Word to HTML Converter
About Word to HTML Converter
So you've got a Word document and you want to convert it to an HTML file. Our Word to HTML converter will help you with this task, just import your Word document and watch the tool doing its magic.
Benefits of using our free Word to HTML Converter
This free online converter takes the content of a doc or docx document and converts it into HTML code. The end result is a much cleaner HTML code than that normally produced by Microsoft Word software. This converter removes all unnecessary styles and markup. It does not keep images, but it does keep HTML links and format HTML tags as bold during the conversion process.
Although this tool does not do batch conversion for doc documents, it generally produces clean HTML that is suitable for embedding a website. This Word to HTML converter tool is free to use.
How to use the Word to HTML Converter?
1. You can either import a document from your local device or use an external URL (use remote URL). Make sure to import only documents with (.doc, .docx) formats.
2. Hit the "Convert" button to convert your Word document to HTML.
3. A dialog box will be open with a download button to get your HTML file.