Base64 Encode Tool

Meet Base64 Decipher and Encode, a basic internet-based apparatus that does precisely what it says: interprets from Base64 encoding as well as encodes into it rapidly and without any problem. Base64 Encode Tool encodes your information without issues or interprets it into a comprehensible configuration.

Base64 encoding plans are ordinarily utilized when there is a need to encode paired information, particularly when that information should be put away and moved over media that are intended to manage text. This encoding assists with guaranteeing that the information stays in salvageable shape without adjustment during transport. Base64 is utilized regularly in various applications including email through Emulate, as well as putting away complex information in XML or JSON.

Progressed choices

Character set: Our site utilizes the UTF-8-character set, so your feedback information is sent to that organization. Change this choice to change the information over to one more person set prior to encoding. Note that on account of text information, the encoding plan doesn't contain the person set, so you might need to indicate the suitable setting during the deciphering system. With respect to records, the twofold choice is the default, which will preclude any change; this choice is expected for everything aside from plain text archives.

Newline separator: Unix and Windows frameworks utilize different line break characters, so preceding encoding either variation will be supplanted inside your information by the chosen choice. For the documents area, this is to some degree unessential since records as of now contain the comparing separators, however, you can characterize which one to use for the "encode each line independently" and "split lines into pieces" capacities.

Encode each line independently: Even newline characters are changed over to their Base64 encoded structures. Utilize this choice to encode numerous free information sections isolated with line breaks. (*)

Split lines into pieces: The encoded information will turn into ceaseless text with next to no whitespaces, so really take a look at this choice to split it up into various lines. The applied person limit is characterized in the Emulate (RFC 2045) particular, which expresses that the encoded lines should be something like 76 characters in length. (*)

Perform URL-safe encoding: Involving standard Base64 in URLs requires encoding of "+", "/" and "=" characters into their percent-encoded structure, which makes the string pointlessly longer. Empower this choice to encode into a URL-and filename-accommodating Base64 variation (RFC 4648/Base64URL) where the "+" and "/" characters are individually supplanted by "- " and "_", as well as the cushioning "=" signs are excluded.

Live mode: When you turn on this choice the entered information is encoded promptly with your program's implicit JavaScript capacities, without sending any data to our servers. At present, this model backs just the UTF-8-character set.

(*) These choices can't be empowered all the while since the subsequent result would not be substantial for most of the uses.

Free from any and all harm

All correspondences with our servers come through secure SSL encoded associations (https). We erase transferred documents from our servers following being handled and the subsequent downloadable record is erased just after the first download endeavor or 15 minutes of inertia (whichever is more limited). We don't keep or assess the substance of the submitted information or transfer documents in any capacity. Peruse our protection strategy underneath for additional subtleties.

Totally free

Our instrument is allowed to utilize. From now into the foreseeable future, you don't have to download any product for such basic undertakings.

Subtleties of the Base64 encoding

Base64 is a conventional term for various comparative encoding plans that encode twofold information by treating it mathematically and making an interpretation of it into a base-64 portrayal. The Base64 expression begins from a particular Emulate content exchange encoding.


The specific selection of characters to make up the 64 characters expected for Base64 shifts between executions. The basic guideline is to pick a bunch of 64 characters that are both 1) part of a subset normal to most encodings, and 2) likewise printable. This mixture leaves the information probably not going to be altered on the way through frameworks, for example, email, which was generally not 8-cycle clean. For instance, Emulate's Base64 execution utilizes A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 for the initial 62 qualities, as well as "+" and "/" for the last two. Different varieties normally got from Base64, share this property yet vary in the images picked for the last two qualities; a model is the URL and filename safe "RFC 4648/Base64URL" variation, which utilizes "- " and "_".


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